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Definition vertu
Borrowed from Italian virt�, �vert� (�moral worth, virtue (13th century); determination, perseverance, military valour (14th century); study of the liberal or fine arts; appreciation of, taste for, or expertise in the fine arts; objets d'art collectively (16th century)�); or from French vertu (�virtue�), ultimately from Latin virt?t-, virtus (�virtue�).
vertu (uncountable)
- (archaic) Especially in the writings of Machiavelli (1469�1527): excellence; moral virtue; honor; power.
- (art) Knowledge of the fine arts.
- (art) Objets d'art collectively.
Results 467 Words with the letters VERTU
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7 letter words with the letters VERTU ↑
6 letter words with the letters VERTU ↑
5 letter words with the letters VERTU ↑
4 letter words with the letters VERTU ↑
3 letter words with the letters VERTU ↑
2 letter words with the letters VERTU ↑
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