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Definition sustain
From Middle English susteinen, sustenen, from Old French sustenir (French soutenir), from Latin sustine?, sustin?re (�to uphold�), from sub- (�from below, up�) + tene? (�hold�, verb).
sustain (third-person singular simple present sustains, present participle sustaining, simple past and past participle sustained)
- (transitive) To maintain, or keep in existence.
- (transitive) To provide for or nourish.
- (transitive) To encourage or sanction (something). (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought):
- (transitive) To experience or suffer (an injury, etc.).
- (transitive) To confirm, prove, or corroborate; to uphold.
- To keep from falling; to bear; to uphold; to support.
- To aid, comfort, or relieve; to vindicate.
sustain (plural sustains)
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