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Definition sol
Etymology 1
From Latin solve, from the first word of the fifth line of Ut queant laxis, the medieval hymn which solf�ge was based on because its lines started on each note of the scale successively.
sol (uncountable)
Etymology 2
Borrowed from Latin sol (�sun�).
sol (plural sols)
Etymology 3
Borrowed from Spanish sol (�sun�), itself from Latin sol (�sun�).
sol (plural sols)
- A Spanish-American gold or silver coin, now the main currency unit of Peru (also new sol), or a coin of this value.
Etymology 4
Abbreviation of solution.
sol (plural sols)
- (physical chemistry) A type of colloid in which a solid is dispersed in a liquid.
- (archaic) A solution to an objection (or "ob"), in old books of controversial divinity.
Etymology 5
Borrowed from Old French sol, from Latin solidus
sol (plural sols)
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