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Definition overstep
From Middle English *oversteppen, from Old English ofersteppan, from Proto-Germanic *uberstapjan? (�to step over; overstep�), equivalent to over- + step. Cognate with Dutch overstappen, German Low German �verstappen, German �berstapfen, �berstepfen.
overstep (third-person singular simple present oversteps, present participle overstepping, simple past and past participle overstepped)
- (transitive) To go too far beyond (a limit); especially, to cross boundaries or exceed norms or conventions.
- To take a step in which the foot touches ground too far forward.
- To move with a gait such that the hind foot touches the ground forward of the point where the front foot touches the ground.
overstep (uncountable)
- A gait in which the hind foot touches ground in front of where the front foot touches the ground.
- A movement in which one oversteps.
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