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Definition nonpareil
From Middle French nonpareil (�unparalleled�, now obsolete in French), from non- + pareil, although often reborrowed in Italian or quasi-Italian forms in 17th century. The typographic name is usually taken to derive from the attractive type cut by the De Gregori brothers for their 1498 edition of the divine offices in Venice; it was long the smallest-sized type in use.
nonpareil (comparative more nonpareil, superlative most nonpareil)
- Unequalled, unrivalled; unique. [from 15th c.]
nonpareil (countable and uncountable, plural nonpareils)
- A person or thing that has no equal; a paragon. [from 16th c.]
- (cooking, US) A small pellet of colored sugar used as decoration on baked goods and candy.
- A small, flat chocolate drop covered with white pellets of sugar, similar to a comfit.
- A smaller grade of caper.
- (uncountable, dated, printing) The size of type between agate and minion, standardized as 6-point.
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