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Definition fetial
From Latin f?ti?lis (�priest who sanctioned treaties and demanded satisfaction from enemies before formal declarations of war�), possibly from Old Latin fetis (�statute; treaty�) + -?lis (suffix forming adjectives indicating a relationship).
It has also been suggested that f?ti?lis is derived from Proto-Indo-European *feti- (�foundation�) and related to Latin faci? (�to do; to build, construct; to appoint�) (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *d?eh?- (�to do, place, put�)) and Latin f?s (�divine law; will of God�) (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *b?eh?- (�to say, speak�)).
The plural form fetiales (probably IPA: (RP) /?fi???le?s/, (GA) /?fi???le?s/) is borrowed from Latin f?ti?l?s.
fetial (plural fetials or fetiales)
- (Ancient Rome, politics, religion, historical) A member of the Roman college of priests who acted as representatives in disputes with foreign nations. [from 1525�1535]
fetial (not comparable)
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