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Definition emancipate
From Latin emancipatus, past participle of emancipare (�to declare (a son) free and independent of the father's power by the thrice-repeated act of mancipatio and manumission, give from one's own power or authority into that of another, give up, surrender�), from e (�out�) + mancipare (�to transfer ownership in�), from manceps (�purchaser, a contractor, literally, one who takes in hand�), from manus (�hand�) + capere (�to take�). See manual, and capable.
emancipate (third-person singular simple present emancipates, present participle emancipating, simple past and past participle emancipated)
- To set free from the power of another; to liberate; as:
- To free from any controlling influence, especially from anything which exerts undue or evil influence
emancipate (comparative more emancipate, superlative most emancipate)
- Freed; set at liberty.
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