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Definition doughnut
From dough + nut, 1809 because originally small, nut-sized balls of fried dough, or, more likely, from nut in the earlier sense of "small rounded cake or cookie", with the toroidal shape becoming common in the twentieth century. First attested in Knickerbocker�s History of New York, by Washington Irving, 1809.
doughnut (plural doughnuts)
- A deep-fried piece of dough or batter, commonly of a toroidal (a ring doughnut) shape, often mixed with various sweeteners and flavourings; or flattened sphere (a filled doughnut) shape filled with jam, custard or cream.
- Anything in the shape of a torus.
- (Canada, US) A peel-out or skid mark in the shape of a circle; a 360-degree skid.
- A spare car tyre, usually stored in the boot, that is smaller than a full-sized tyre and is only intended for temporary use.
- (slang) A vulva.
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