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Definition byword
From Middle English byworde (�proverb�), from Old English b?word, b?wyrde (�proverb, household word", also "adverb�), from Proto-Germanic *b?wurdij?, equivalent to by- + word. Compare Latin proverbium, which byword may possibly be a translation of. Cognate with Old High German p?wurti (�proverb�). Compare also Old English b?spel (�proverb, example�), b?cwide (�byword, proverb, tale, fable�), Dutch bijwoord (�adverb�).
byword (plural bywords)
- A proverb or proverbial expression, common saying; a frequently used word or phrase.
- A characteristic word or expression; a word or phrase associated with a person or group.
- Someone or something that stands as an example (i.e. metonymically) for something else, by having some of that something's characteristic traits.
- An object of notoriety or contempt, scorn or derision.
- A nickname or epithet.
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