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Definition boon
Etymology 1
From Middle English boon (�prayer�), from Old Norse b�n (�prayer, petition�), from Proto-Germanic *b?niz (�supplication�), influenced by boon (�good, favorable�, adj). Doublet of ben; see there fore more.
boon (plural boons)
- (obsolete) A prayer; petition.
- (archaic) That which is asked or granted as a benefit or favor; a gift or benefaction.
- A good thing; a blessing or benefit; a thing to be thankful for.
- (Britain dialectal) An unpaid service due by a tenant to his lord.
Etymology 2
From Middle English boon, bone, borrowed from Old Northern French boon, from Old French bon (�good�), from Latin bonus (�good�), from Latin duonus, dvenos, from Proto-Indo-European *d?- (�to respect�).
boon (not comparable)
- (obsolete) Good; prosperous.
- Kind; bountiful; benign.
- Now only in boon companion: gay; merry; jovial; convivial.
Etymology 3
From Middle English bone (North), akin to or alteration of Old English bune (�reed�).
boon (uncountable)
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