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Definition agonic
Etymology 1
From Ancient Greek ??- (a-, �the alpha privativum, a prefix forming words having a sense opposite to the word or stem to which it is attached�) + ????? (g?n�a, �angle�) + -ic.
agonic (not comparable)
- (geometry) Lacking an angle.
- (cartography, navigation) Having a magnetic deviation of zero.
agonic (plural agonics)
- Synonym of agonic line.
Etymology 2
Borrowed from French agonique (�possessing or filled with agony; agonous�), from agonie (�the moment just before death�) + -ique (�suffix forming adjectives from nouns�) (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *-kos (�suffix forming adjectives denoting �the characteristic of, typical of, pertaining to��)). Agonie is ultimately derived from Ancient Greek ?????? (ag?n�?, �agony, anguish�), from Proto-Indo-European *h?e?- (�to drive�).
agonic (not comparable)
- Characterized by agony.
- (psychology) Of a mode of social interaction based on threats, displays of power, or inducements of anxiety.
- (medicine, obsolete) Occurring shortly before death; agonal.
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